Tim Brunson DCH

Welcome to The International Hypnosis Research Institute Web site. Our intention is to support and promote the further worldwide integration of comprehensive evidence-based research and clinical hypnotherapy with mainstream mental health, medicine, and coaching. We do so by disseminating, supporting, and conducting research, providing professional level education, advocating increased level of practitioner competency, and supporting the viability and success of clinical practitioners. Although currently over 80% of our membership is comprised of mental health practitioners, we fully recognize the role, support, involvement, and needs of those in the medical and coaching fields. This site is not intended as a source of medical or psychological advice. Tim Brunson, PhD

Will Hypnotherapy Help You Stop Smoking?

There are so many ways to quit smoking, and in their quest to stop, many smokers try everything from quitting cold turkey to one-on-one counseling to nicotine patches and gums -- or combinations of all of the above. If these stop smoking methods haven't worked for you, or you just want to take a more holistic approach, you may want to try hypnotherapy.


Use of Hypnotherapy in Surgery

The last decade or two has witnessed an alternate form of therapy gaining a lot of popularity in the medical fraternity. This alternate therapy is hypnotherapy, which has gained a lot of popularity in the West and is also catching up in India. One of the very important areas in the medical space where the role of hypnotherapy is growing is surgery.


Blondie Bennett, Barbie-Obsessed Woman, Uses Hypnotherapy To Make Herself 'Brainless'

A California woman who describes herself as Barbie-obsessed says she uses hypnotherapy sessions in the hopes that it will decrease her IQ.


Hypnotherapy helps people break free from addiction and stress

Hypnotherapy is a clinical form of hypnosis that's used to help people break free from addiction and stress. Hypnosis is often written off as a joke but for people who suffer from addiction or severe anxiety, it can be life changing.


Helping homecoming heroes

Jon Creffield is now part of the Help a Hero programme which is run by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) to help homecoming members of the armed forces to cope with their return to civilian life.


Hypnotherapy college opens in Comox Valley

The Canadian College of Advanced Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy has just opened its doors in the Comox Valley and is now recruiting future hypnotherapists.


Hypnotherapy opens mind to healthy changes

Granted, it's only been about 18 hours, but I think the hypnosis is working.

You see, most mornings, I wake up begging my two husky pups for a 20-minute reprieve before they jump on my head and start licking my face. This morning, however, I woke up feeling refreshed, let the dogs out and found myself in the kitchen, making a gigantic salad for lunch.


'Don't be hypnotised by this fraudulent nonsense'

A new ITV programme that appears to show members of the public being hypnotised has been branded a fraud by experts.


Hypnotherapy: From charlatans and performers to medical care

Putting patients into a hypnotic trance can be a boon to treating phobias, depression, stuttering, anxiety and many other conditions.


Hypnotherapy may help with anxiety disorders

Hypnotherapy is increasingly being recognised as an effective way to help people suffering from anxiety disorders, according to Michael McGuinness of the Mayo Hypnosis Clinic.


An Assault on Hypnotherapy

by Tim Brunson PhD

If you use hypnosis, hypnotherapy or NLP in your practice, there are people and organizations out there who want to permanently shut you down! Even if you're a coach or consultant and not a hypnotherapist, if you ask someone to visualize a certain state of accomplishment – especially if they become glassy-eyed or shed a tear or two – someone may complain that you are practicing hypnosis and find a law somewhere that will justify incessant criminal or civil prosecution. Imagine helping someone improve their golf swing and then finding out that you have tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and may lose your right to practice. And, if you already have a mental health or medical license, don't think you are immune from persecution. Many authorities in those fields routinely use their ignorance of hypnosis to ban its use and would like to see any of their colleagues who cross the line permanently banned from practicing. Licensees who so ardently study the ways of the late Milton Erickson, MD, need not to be reminded that the good doctor's license was once threatened because he dared to use any form of hypnosis in psychiatry.

Recently I was asked to make a statement as an expert in this field so that I could support the defense of Zoilita Grant, a friend and colleague for which I have great respect. She also asked for help from Michael Ellner and Tony De Marco, two practitioners who I rate as being among the best in the world. It appears that Zoilita has been unjustly targeted by the Colorado Mental Health Board. They incorrectly claim that all hypnosis is either stage hypnosis or psychotherapy. Somehow they also found an "expert" witness who was willing – probably for a fee – to support their claim. (Michael, Tony, and I were not compensated for our support.)


How To Create and Distribute Your Own Hypnotherapy CD/MP3 Without Breaking The Bank!

by Annie Brunson

In just a couple of days you can be selling a hypnosis product online and making money even while you sleep! If you are a talented hypnotist or hypnotherapist, you've got your content. The only thing remaining is knowing how to properly record a quality MP3 file or CD. In this article I'm going to show you how to create your own hypnosis or guided meditation product. I'll take you from recording your script through a way to convert it into an income stream.


Integrative Health Care Certification

The Advanced Neuro-Noetic HypnosisTM certification represents that the holder has achieved competency in a wide range integrative healing and human development skills. We are making it easy and affordable to enroll in this self-paced, distance learning program. Additionally, if you enroll in the program by midnight June 28, we will waive the first $300 of your tuition.

The International Hypnosis Research Institute was started in 2006 for the purpose of supporting the scientific and cultural credibility of hypnotherapy and other integrative arts, such as chiropractic, massage therapy, NLP, naturopathy, homeopathy, and energy psychology and energy medicine just to name a few. The ANNH certification program, which leads to the awarding of the Advanced Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (ACCH) designation, is designed to support this mission.

Our intent is for the participant a credible, evidence and science-based set of skills that can immediately be used by conventional medical and psychotherapeutic professionals, as well as coaches and integrative healing practitioners. There is no requirement that students have a background in hypnosis or hypnotherapy to complete this program.

This program consists of 12 six-lesson courses, which contain a total of over 72 specific skills. Each lesson consists of a video averaging 20 minutes, a brief demonstration, and an assignment, which involves the skill discussed in the demonstration. Additionally, students post the results of their assignment to the student forum for the individual lessons. Their comments responded to by other students and the course moderator. You may start this program at any time and take up to six months to complete a course.

In addition to the waiver of the first $300 of your tuition, if you are a member of the Institute, you may immediately receive up to $408 in additional savings. (A monthly payment plan is also available.)

To take advantage of this offer, visit www.advanced-neuro-noetic-hypnosis.org no later than midnight June 28, 2011.

Thank you for your continued support. Your participation is critical to our efforts to promote your profession by raising practitioner competency and increasing awareness amoung the public and other health care practitioners.

Tim Brunson, PhD

The 5th Annual Smoky Mountain Nurses Conference

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: The 5th Annual Smoky Mountain Nurses Conference is a continuing education experience suitable for nurse anesthetists, operating room nurses, post-anesthesia nurses, nursing instructors, nursing managers, critical care nurses, O.R. technicians, physicians, psychologists, dentists, or any other interested health care worker. Healthy Visions is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association.


The 2010 Tapping World Summit is Now Underway

by Nick Ortner

Are you ready? I hope so, because the one of a kind event that started yesterday (Sunday) is going to change your life…

It's free, it's online, and it's streaming right to your computer...It's the 2010 Tapping World Summit!

If you haven't yet heard about this event or its line up of speakers and amazing topics, then click on this link to learn why you absolutely must attend this event:


The 2010 Tapping World Summit

by Nick Ortner

Announcing an amazing online event that last year had over 81,000 people in attendance. And what is also amazing is that it is offered to the public at no charge.

The event is called the Tapping World Summit. If you've never heard of Tapping before, you're going to be blown away at how powerful it is.


International Academy of Consciousness

by Nelson Abreu

The International Academy of Consciousness is a non-profit research and education organization dedicated to the scientific study of the consciousness beyond the conventional limitations of materialist science. The IAC had its roots in the International Institute of Projectiology, which was founded in 1988 in Brazil. Since 2002, IIPC offices outside of Brazil became IAC – today a truly global organization with broad objectives in education as well as research, having a permanent presence in four continents and having presented in 20 countries around the world.


Gary Craig Retiring

Gary Craig has recenly announced his retirement and the discontinuance of his EFT certification program. He will also be shutting down www.emofree.com. His retirement will be effective on January 15, 2010, reportedly due to health issues.

January 4th is World Hypnotism Day

January 4th, 2009 will mark the 5th annual World Hypnotism Day when hypnotists around the world support hypnotism. WHD's mission is the promote the truth and benefits about hypnosis to the people of the world while removing the myths and misconceptions that have clouded this honorable and timeless practice.

Hypnotists benefit not only by supporting the profession of hypnotism but by gaining recognition ansd exposure during World Hypnotism Day events in order to build and increase their businesses. And to make it easy the World Hypnotism Day Committess have provided valuable and free Member Resources which are available.

"This is the biggest hypnosis event on the planet," says WHD Chairman, Tom Nicoli. "Hypnotists in twenty two countries have participated in World Hypnotism Day and it continues to grow. Last year 26 USA Mayors, 1 Canadian Mayor and a US State Governor proclaimed Jnauray 4th World Hypnotism Day. We invite all professional hypnotists to join."

Any professional hypnotists can join in the support and gain access to the Members Area by going here: http://www.worldhypnotismday.com/participant-signup-form.shtml

And the public also benefits. At the WHD website, www.worldhypnotismday.com there are 4 hypnosis audio downloads, 2 Success Stories ebooks and information and research facts about hypnosis all for free. There is also a WHD Events search engine so you can see if there is a WHD event in your area.

Tell everyone about World Hypnotism Day and get involved. You wilol be quite surprised to see the types of Member Resources that are available from teleseminars to Power Point presentations to press releases all for you to download and use.

Henry Leo Bolduc's Accident --- Call for Assistance, Prayers, and Compassion

We just received this from Dan Cleary (via Anne Spencer, Ph.D.). Henry Leo Bolduc, a well respected hypnotherapist recently had a accident while cutting wood on his farm in Virginia. Please join us with the rest of the hypnotherapy and mind/body community showing support for Henry and his wife Joan. Below is the text of the e-mail received from Dan and Anne.


Henry and his wife Joanie, live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, near a crossroads called Wytheville. They live out in the backside of nowhere and that is where Henry was on March 5th, when there was a terrible accident. Henry was home alone and out on the property cutting fire wood with a chain saw. There was a slip, a misstep and the saw came down on Henry's left arm, just above the wrist, nearly severing his hand from his arm. The chain cut through skin, muscles, bone and tissue.


Experts Recommend Hypnosis Education

Even though the art and science of hypnosis has been in existence for hundreds of years, there has been a controversy lurking regarding hypnosis education. The various hypnosis organizations have always set their own educational requirements for membership. There have been as many different educational requirements for hypnosis and hypnotherapy training as there have been professional hypnosis and hypnotherapy organizations. Finally, however, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is entering a new era, an era of quality education in the use of this ancient tool to help bring about desirable behavioral changes.


Michael Ellner and Dan Cleary at Pain Week 2007

Michael Ellner

Dan Cleary

What Michael Ellner and Dan Cleary are doing with Pain Week 2007 is an amazing landmark for us all!!!

These two men have done a lot for hypnotherapy and all complementary modalities over the years but this blows the lid off!

What a great opportunity they have created for each of us personally as well as for hypnotherapy as a whole. Dan and Michael have handed us the opportunity and it's up to us all to accept it and run with it!

When you attend Pain Week 2007 you will have access to many of the most progressive and compassionate frontline healthcare providers in the world. They are the ones who want the best for their patients and took the time and spent the money to learn about the best ways to keep them comfortable. Michael and Dan will be there to teach about what we do and how their patients can benefit from hypnotherapy. 10 Medical and Dental organizations are marketing this conference to their members. (Marketing Medical and Dental HYPNOTHERAPY to members of 10 Medical and Dental Organizations – WOW and double WOW!!!)

We have the amazing opportunity to learn and network at Pain Week 2007! Imagine yourself at this conference meeting and networking with Docs who practice just down the street from you in your city!! WOW! You find out they are the best and they meet you and learn that YOU are the best (and how you can help their patients) and they will refer to you!

I know, there are a lot of conferences and we're busy people and we all have budgets, HOWEVER, you really can't afford to let this opportunity pass you by. This is an investment in your future and the future of hypnotherapy!

IMDHA is offering CEU's for Dan and Michael's class. Their full day class is September the 5th and they will also take part in programs on Saturday and Sunday, the 8th and 9th. Robert and Linda Otto will be there promoting IMDHA and YOU too!

These medical professionals need to see us there in support of what we do and what Michael and Dan are teaching. (Besides, I don't care how many times you have heard these 2 guys speak, you will come away with more great stuff every time!) Our feet are in the door and we need to support this so Hypnotherapy and Complementary Health Care can move forward. This is just too important an event to ignore! I plan to see YOU there!!! YOU just plan on it too!!!

One of the links for details is http://danclearhypnosis.com/courses/painweek2007.html Just do it!

See you in Las Vegas in September, Sue Hull

The Ninth Annual International Energy Psychology Conference

Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., and Tim Brunson DCH

by Tim Brunson DCH

I recently attended the Ninth Annual International Energy Psychology Conference, which was held April 18 through 25, 2007, at the Westfield's Marriott in Chantilly, Virginia. This was the annual conference for The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, a leading-edge organization of psychologists and other professions. It was good to see old friends and colleagues as well as meet many new ones. I've been interested in the fields of energy psychology and medicine since I met Fred Gallo Ph.D., David Feinstien Ph.D., and Donna Eden at The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM) conference four years ago.


New Leadership Honors Lifetime IACT Members

Special Conference Recognition to Be Awarded

by Daniel F. Cleary

As most readers are already aware, the leadership of IACT has transferred to Robert and Linda Otto. As the new directors, Robert and Linda feel that, the members and their vision for the future, is paramount. "We are looking to completely involve our members in creating the future of the organization and have decided to honor our Lifetime Members in a special way at the awards banquet this year" says Linda Otto, the new Executive Director.


World Hypnotism Day – January 4

(Note from Tim Brunson DCH. This article was released one day after submission. It is included since this is a valid year-long program.)

Promoting the Truth & Benefits of Hypnotism to the World By Tom Nicoli, BCH, CI

What might just be the best kept secret in the profession of hypnotism, at this time, is also what has proven to be an incredible vehicle for hypnotism professionals to increase recognition for their business, products or any services provided.


Openning Remarks October 2006 IMDHA Conference

The following remarks were made on October 28, 2006, at the Annual IMDHA Conference held in Troy, Michigan.

2006 Dr. Anne Spencer's IMDHA Opening Address

Achieving Quantum Awareness

Greeting dear colleagues ~

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association Platinum Anniversary conference Hypnosis and Holistic Living – this year titled appropriately Achieving Quantum Awareness ~ The Journey Continues.


Robert and Linda Otto to Acquire IMDHA

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to announce our impending acquisition of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. This is truly an exciting announcement. And the next few months promise to be full of challenges and growth.


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