How To Create and Distribute Your Own Hypnotherapy CD/MP3 Without Breaking The Bank!

by Annie Brunson
In just a couple of days you can be selling a hypnosis product online and making money even while you sleep! If you are a talented hypnotist or hypnotherapist, you've got your content. The only thing remaining is knowing how to properly record a quality MP3 file or CD. In this article I'm going to show you how to create your own hypnosis or guided meditation product. I'll take you from recording your script through a way to convert it into an income stream.
Before you even start to write your script I want you to go shopping for a microphone. You don't need to spend hundreds of dollars. You should be able to order a suitable USB headphone mic from Amazon or even purchase one at a local electronic store that will cost you less than $25. If you have an older mic gathering dust in your office, you still may want to upgrade as the earlier versions of USB mics tended to make things sound a little tinny. The newer ones will normally provide you with adequate quality. Of course, you may wish to invest in a more expensive microphone later. I'll give you tips later on in this article about how to make your recording sound as good as possible.
After you've ordered your mic and are waiting for it to be delivered, you're going to create your script. Depending on what kind of product you're creating will depend on how you structure this script. Hypnosis scripts normally will entail an induction phase, a therapy phase and then a bringing back out phase. Your training should have prepared you to create a script that reflects your style.
Plan on your final recording to be between 15 and 30 minutes. The brevity will be appreciated by your future customers who will need to find time to fit listening into their busy schedule. This is also why you should avoid the temptation of looping your content. Remember that a product that is not listened to rarely produces future repeat sales.
Once you have written your script, rehearse it a few times to make sure that it is how you want it. Make sure you have an introduction portion where you announce the title.
Next, you will start the recording process.
First, make sure that you plug in your microphone!
If you don't already have a sound editing program, go to: and download their free program. Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.
Allow time to go through the basic tutorials so that you are familiar with how to record a track. Audacity Tutorials.
If you are using an Apple computer and have Garageband, then use that program (I'll be adding another article soon that features using Garageband as your editing program).
Next, we're going to do is experiment with the mic. So open Audacity. On the menu bar go to: PROJECT | NEW AUDIO TRACK.
Go to EDIT | PREFERENCES | Audio I/O and make sure that your microphone is chosen. Make sure that "Play other tracks while recording a new one" is NOT ticked.
Put the mic up to your mouth and say a few lines of your script.
Alter your mic so that it is parallel with the line of your chin. You'll be taking advantage of the resonance of the bones by doing this. Press record and say the same few lines.
Move the mic up to your nose and repeat the lines. Listen to all three versions and choose the version that has the richest sound.
Then record your script. Don't worry if you make mistakes. Give yourself a verbal cue that you've made a snafu. Some like saying, "beep-beep-beep" very fast to indicate you have re-recorded a section.
Now go back through and cut out the portions of the script where you made mistakes until you are happy with the result. Experiment with adding reverb (look in your menu for EFFECTS and choose something like Gverb) until it sounds rich and three dimensional.
Now go to: PROJECT | Import Audio and bring in the MP3 of the music you want underneath your voice. Choose music that will not be too intrusive. Make sure you have the rights to use the music – you will need a Royalty Free License in order to use music in a product that you create. If you don't have music yet – I am offering my BREATH CD (with Royalty Free License) at no charge (just pay a small shipping and handling fee). You can also Google "Royalty Free Music" to find something you like.
Adjust the volume so that you can hear the script track clearly.
If you are using one of products, I include a "ramp out" track which increases in tempo and energy. At the point you have finished the therapy part of your script and are about to bring your client back to the here and now, import the ramp out track. You will need to experiment with the best place to fade the first music track and bring in the "ramp out" track. It is extremely easy to create an almost seamless transition from track 1 to the "ramp out" track with a little experimentation.
Now listen to the whole session from the beginning, making sure that there are no surges in volume anywhere. Once it's done to your liking, export as an MP3 (you may have to download the LAME MP3 encoder in order to do this).
Lastly, you must consider distribution. The easiest way to distribute your CD is to sign up on a site such as For a small fee, your title will be made available on a variety of different sites, including iTunes. Make sure you choose Spoken Word as your genre. CDBaby even has a little widget featuring your MP3 download which you can place on your Website.
After you've put this distribution machine in place, start blogging and promoting your Hypnosis CD/MP3. Once your product is in existence, you will have to put a little effort into driving traffic. Tell people on Facebook – on Twitter. Have a link to your product on your signature block on all your emails. Be creative and look forward to getting your first check from CDBaby!
Annie Brunson is an award-winning composer and specializes in creating music for hypnosis and hypnotherapy. For more information visit
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