Tim Brunson DCH

Welcome to The International Hypnosis Research Institute Web site. Our intention is to support and promote the further worldwide integration of comprehensive evidence-based research and clinical hypnotherapy with mainstream mental health, medicine, and coaching. We do so by disseminating, supporting, and conducting research, providing professional level education, advocating increased level of practitioner competency, and supporting the viability and success of clinical practitioners. Although currently over 80% of our membership is comprised of mental health practitioners, we fully recognize the role, support, involvement, and needs of those in the medical and coaching fields. This site is not intended as a source of medical or psychological advice. Tim Brunson, PhD

Polish norms for the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A.

The Polish version of the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS:A; Shor & Orne, 1962) was administered to 1174 participants (968 women and 206 men). Polish data were compared with other norming studies. Point-biserial item-scale correlations ranged from r = .12 (posthypnotic suggestion item) to r = .49. The Kuder-Richardson correlation of .70 was within the range of the reference samples. Test-retest reliability coefficients were obtained from one group of participants tested twice in the same session (r = .69, p < .05), and another group 8 weeks apart (r = .58, p < .05). Females scored significantly higher than males.

Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2010 Oct;58(4):433-43 Siuta J. Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. upsiuta@cyf-kr.edu.pl

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