The hipbone is connected to the thighbone; the thighbone is connected to…

Lessons learned from a somatic treatment session that significantly reduced severe chronic hip and leg pain
by Erik Peper, PhD, and Annette Booiman, MRT
After experiencing your guided exercises on the gym floor, I slept comfortably and without any pain for the first time in four years. This morning when I went grocery shopping, I could walk straight with a normal stride and again without pain. I feel great. --Paul Maassen
The rapid successful resolution of pain occurred as the result of a spontaneous teaching moment with a person in the gym. This success is not just a case of magical/spontaneous healing but the integration of multiple factors that promote healing and underlie somatic awareness practices and successful biofeedback training. In this clinical note, we describe how the educational treatment began, the educational/clinical coaching sequence, and factors that therapists may want to consider in their treatment.
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