The Effect of Reiki on Work-Related Stress of the Registered Nurse
Purpose: The Reiki Master Teacher group at a large academic, urban medical center studied the effects of Reiki on work-related stress in Registered Nurse Reiki I class participants. Research suggests that work-related stress is an influential factor in nursing burn out and retention. Reiki, an ancient form of Oriental "energy work" or healing, has been found to decrease stress. Methods: The Perceived Stress Scale tool was administered prior to the Reiki I class and after three weeks of practicing self-Reiki. Findings: Seventeen participants returned follow-up data. Results indicated that practicing Reiki more often resulted in reduced perceived stress levels. Conclusions: Data from this small pilot study supports educating nurses about Reiki practice to decrease work-related stress.
Cuneo CL, Cooper MR, Drew CS, Naoum-Heffernan C, Sherman T, Walz K, Weinberg J. J Holist Nurs. 2010 Aug 10.
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