Tim Brunson DCH

Welcome to The International Hypnosis Research Institute Web site. Our intention is to support and promote the further worldwide integration of comprehensive evidence-based research and clinical hypnotherapy with mainstream mental health, medicine, and coaching. We do so by disseminating, supporting, and conducting research, providing professional level education, advocating increased level of practitioner competency, and supporting the viability and success of clinical practitioners. Although currently over 80% of our membership is comprised of mental health practitioners, we fully recognize the role, support, involvement, and needs of those in the medical and coaching fields. This site is not intended as a source of medical or psychological advice. Tim Brunson, PhD

The Evolution of Thought Pattern Management

by Robert W. Fletcher

Having struggled for many years to find more effective ways to work with the hearing impaired and the visual impaired I came upon the concept of use what works and discard what doesn't work. I had struggled in my youth in learning to read and in the early '60s had become acquainted with a remedial reading teacher from the Granite School District in Utah. With the help of Evelyn Wood, and using the techniques in her reading dynamics program, I was able to accelerate my reading abilities to a more except level.

My reading levels before her training tested at about the third grade reading level with a reading speeds somewhat less than a hundred fifty words a minute. After eight weeks in her program I was reading at 3,000 words per minute, and had doubled my comprehension and retention levels. The most amazing revelation that received from this experience, lies not in my increased reading ability, but it with my awareness and for the first time my realization of the great potential of the human mind.

With my newfound skills I sought to make up the deficit in my knowledge base been so embarked on a reading program to read three books a day for the next three years. I started with old wonderful literature that I had not been able to read when I was an elementary school junior high and high school. I read all the children's classics, Call of the Wild, Leather Stocking Tales, and other childhood fantasies. I next turned to reading material that would help me be a better teacher of the deaf. I begin to steady language structures and ways of communicating. This led me into the study of hypnotic language patterns and eventually to the works of Milton H. Erickson.

In 1979 a became acquainted with the early works of Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder. I found the books "Structure of magic" and "Frogs into Princes" the most interesting. I began to use some of the most basic tools outlined in those books in my work at the Utah schools for the deaf. I was at the time running a vocational training program for the multi-handicapped deaf and blind. I found that the pacing skills were most useful in the deaf blind class. Even though the deaf blind students can neither see nor hear, they would respond to my pacing and leading. The 1985, I had the opportunity to take the basic training in Neuro linguistic programming . And in 1986 I complete my master training. It also completed training in advanced hypnosis. 1987 I left the schools for the deaf and blind and opened a consulting office using my new skills . I've continued from that time to this, doing private consulting and helping people to change in their unwanted behaviors.

As an educator, I have often looked at things differently, than a medical person, or a person in the fields of psychology or psychiatry. They may agree with what I've written or disagree with what I'm written as they wish. Each person has the right to their own opinions and their own beliefs. And so do I. From my work in the school systems, the basic philosophy seemed to be, if what you are doing isn't working, do it harder, faster, longer. Practice, practice, practice. But practice only makes permanent. And since we were practicing imperfect behaviors, those imperfect behaviors are what became permanent.

School seemed to want sameness and equate everything to averages. But none of the students that I worked with wanted to be average. They all wanted to be special. They all wanted to be different in their own unique way. Difference rather than sameness seemed to be the quality that they were really after. They wanted to be uniquely individual and to be recognized for the uniqueness. They also wanted to have feelings of belonging, and so they actually want both sameness and difference to be active in there lives.

Over the past twelve years I have noticed consistent patterns among those who come to seek my aid. One is that when I asked them what they want, they proceed to tell me what they don't want. They seemed to be focused upon the very things that they do not want in their life. Focusing upon what you don't want tends to force the mind to produce more of what you don't want. When I would ask them what they do want, than they would often go into a state of confusion. They had been so focused upon what they did not want that they had given no thought as to what they'd really did want.

With this in mind I began to focus my attention on creating generative patterns that would help people get better and better, rather than just fixing a single issue problem.

Another thing I learned during this past twelve years is that the conscious part of their mind rarely knows the answer to its own behavior problems. The communication with other than conscious levels of their mind is necessary. The more skill one has in communicating to other than conscious levels of mind, the more success they would have as therapists or a counselor.

Developing communication skills, voice tone and tempo control, and other nonverbal on aspects of communication, aid one in being a better helper. I'm very grateful to the many people who have helped me on the way.

For further information on this process you may write to Robert W. Fletcher, Thought Pattern Management, 1520 Country Hills Dr. Ogden Utah. 84403

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