Tim Brunson DCH

Welcome to The International Hypnosis Research Institute Web site. Our intention is to support and promote the further worldwide integration of comprehensive evidence-based research and clinical hypnotherapy with mainstream mental health, medicine, and coaching. We do so by disseminating, supporting, and conducting research, providing professional level education, advocating increased level of practitioner competency, and supporting the viability and success of clinical practitioners. Although currently over 80% of our membership is comprised of mental health practitioners, we fully recognize the role, support, involvement, and needs of those in the medical and coaching fields. This site is not intended as a source of medical or psychological advice. Tim Brunson, PhD

EFT – Overcome Fear, Cravings, Obesity

by Andrew McCombe

Overcoming fear, eliminating cravings or losing weight is as simple as a tap on the head!

For many years as a sport scientist, personal trainer, life coach and EFT Practitioner, I have been working with clients who come to me for advice about how they can improve the performance and quality of their bodies; some want help to lose weight and tone up, others need to reduce their blood pressure and the effects of stress, some want to put on muscle and everyone wants to look and feel better. But, invariably I have found that it is never my client's physical bodies that require improvement in the first instance.

In every client with whom I have ever worked, I have found that there has been some underlying issue (that they were not consciously aware of) that was being reflected in the current state of their body and health. It became evident that when a person is dissatisfied or experiencing dis-ease in some aspect of their life, this dissatisfaction manifests itself through their body.

Effectively, the body is a barometer for life; if something isn't going well in a certain area of life, it manifests through the body.

Deepak Chopra, the world-renowned natural health guru, explains that most diseases don't begin in the body, but in the mind and the spirit. Usually, by the time a disease process manifests as a physical ailment, the person has been suffering mentally, emotionally or spiritually for quite a long time. Therefore, the best time to cure a disease is before it has a chance to manifest as a sickness of the body.

The reason that most traditional health and wellbeing programs fail is because they only address the physical aspect of the human being. Most practitioners, therapists and trainers focus almost all their attention on perfecting the physical aspect of their clients by masking or treating symptoms, developing physical fitness and strength or removing or implanting parts of the human body through surgery. In their efforts to provide a quick fix for their clients, they ignore the fact that human beings are more than just a physical body.

We are also profoundly influenced by our thoughts, feelings and emotions to the extent that when our mental, emotional and spiritual elements are working in harmony, the physical aspect of our selves will perform more efficiently and effectively and provide us with greater results than if we had concentrated on our physical aspect alone.

The evidence that this is true was only too apparent to me when working with my clients. I found that when they did address the underlying cause of their dissatisfaction (that is, their dis-ease), their physical bodies responded with a lot less effort and they began to see amazing results in all areas of their lives.

How did they do this?

I want to share with you a revolutionary new way that Australians are discovering that is allowing them to overcome fears, eliminate cravings and lose weight – and keep it off forever – and it is as simple as a tap on the head.


This revolutionary technique is called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). It has a large following in the US and UK and has already helped thousands of Aussies combat their food addictions, banish their chocolate cravings, and stop overeating (among hundreds of others symptoms

EFT is a psychological form of acupuncture, but without the needles. Instead, you stimulate energy meridian points on your body by tapping on them with your fingertips while repeating specific statements. The process is easy to memorise and is portable, so you can do it anywhere.

EFT was discovered by Gary Craig in the 1980's and is an amazing process that allows you to discover the underlying issues that have been holding you back. EFT has been known to provide relief from:

• Life-long fears and phobias
• Serious physical ailments
• Illness and injuries
• Body image issues
• Cravings and addictions
• Money and wealth issues
• Relationship issues
• Career and business issues

The underlying principle of EFT is ...

'The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system.' And because our physical pains and diseases are so obviously connected with our emotions, the following statement has also proven to be true... 'Our unresolved negative emotions are major contributors to most of our physical pains and diseases.'

This commonsense approach to EFT draws its power from:

(1) Time-honoured Eastern discoveries that have been around for over 5,000 years; and (2) Albert Einstein, who told us back in the 1920's that everything (including our body), is composed of energy.

Because the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system, it makes sense that (when combined with the universal law of attraction) people struggle towards the ideal body or life that they truly want.

For example:

If you have a negative thought, feeling or belief vibrating at a sub-conscious level in your body, you will be attracting this vibration in your external world.

The correct use of EFT will allow you to clear this energetic vibration (that is, the negative thought, feeling or belief) and then replace it with a more positive and powerful vibration, so that you begin to attract the new reality – by performing the behaviours that are in alignment with this new vibration.


EFT works by massaging the meridians (by tapping on them with your finger tips) to free up any trapped energy associated with the negative past or projected future trauma or event and is simple to perform:

Step One: Identify a specific issue that you would like to work on.

For the purpose of this article, I will use the issue of "I feel exposed and vulnerable when I lose weight"

... but remember, EFT has been known to work on almost anything, so if you have any issue, feel free to use that instead.

Step Two: Identify on a scale of 0 – 10 how badly you feel about this issue.

Ten is the most discomfort you could possibly feel.

If you can't feel it right now, close your eyes and imagine yourself in the stressful situation or issue in your mind.

Step Three: Create the set-up statement, "Even though I feel exposed and vulnerable when I lose weight, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway".

The purpose of the set-up statement is to bring the issue to your conscious awareness and to say that "Even though I have this issue, I still accept myself anyway". In other words, I am not my issue.

Step Four: Repeat the set-up statement three times while tapping repeatedly on the Karate Chop (KC) point. (See Tapping Points chart below)

Step Five: Perform one or two rounds of the negative 'reminder' statement ("I feel exposed and vulnerable when I lose weight") while tapping on each of the meridian points, starting from the Eye Brow point and going down the body and then finishing on the top of your head (see Tapping Points chart below). When finished, take a deep breath in and out.

Step Six: Re-assess on a scale of 0 – 10 how badly you feel about the original issue.

Ideally you will have reduced your number on the scale, as the emotional charge will have either dissipated or disappeared or you will have triggered a secondary issue.

If you still have some emotional charge around the original issue or you have unearthed another secondary issue (which normally presents itself in the form of another emotion, a belief, a memory of a past event or even a physical symptom), then repeat the above six steps until you feel completely clear of any mental, emotional or physical discomfort.

Step Seven: Repeat the above 6-step EFT process on anything else that may be causing you some dis-ease.

Here's to the removal of your fears, cravings and excess body fat forever with EFT!

For more information visit www.activateyourweightloss.com.au/.

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