Tim Brunson DCH

Welcome to The International Hypnosis Research Institute Web site. Our intention is to support and promote the further worldwide integration of comprehensive evidence-based research and clinical hypnotherapy with mainstream mental health, medicine, and coaching. We do so by disseminating, supporting, and conducting research, providing professional level education, advocating increased level of practitioner competency, and supporting the viability and success of clinical practitioners. Although currently over 80% of our membership is comprised of mental health practitioners, we fully recognize the role, support, involvement, and needs of those in the medical and coaching fields. This site is not intended as a source of medical or psychological advice. Tim Brunson, PhD

Hypnotism and “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

by Dennis K. Chong and Jennifer K. Smith Chong

In this article, the male pronoun is to apply to either gender

It is written that: As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

If a perceptive student of hypnotism accepts this as a first principle, his initial and implicit unconstrained interest would logically be:

How doth a man thinketh?

It was not until the late 1970s, that anyone truly had any idea what the structural steps were in what was clearly a process. We thank the creators of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP, for this proposition as to what "thinketh" entailed:

Then in the early 1990s, the emergent field of Neuro-Semantic Programming, NSP, modified this NLP proposition to:

where Meta V = the seeing of the unfolded reality

Meta K = the feeling about the unfolded reality. Students of NLP and NSP will be taught what is entailed in these propositions. They will also be taught how to use them in their clinical application. Unless a student of Hypnotism is also taught these matters, he will be left at a disadvantage.

John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Judith de Lozier then proposed in the Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D., Volumes 1 & 2 that a hypnotic state would be a function of the inversion of a person's normal way of thinking. The logic was, alter the normal way a person thinks and it will inevitably entail an altered state, a trance or hypnotic state. Clearly, in either of the above proposed schemae as to what thinking is, is the key as to how logically one can set out to invert a person's thinking and in a deliberate and premeditated way cull a trance state.

We now know that sadly the pedagogy of Hypnotism of today2008 is incomplete in the teaching of the methodology of how to do this. For this we are compelled to ask the reader to refer to the work, The Knife Without Pain.

This was not the end of the story about how we think and Hypnotism.

We now know that our two brains have different functions. NSP identifies the Left Brain as having a sequential or Time function and the Right brain has a spatial or Geometric functions.

However, NSP recognized the existence of the third brain, the Limbic system. It is the oldest derivation of the original archipallium in the genealogy and evolution of the human brain. Below is a diagrammatic representations of these three brains:

The Limbic system contains the thinking engrams for the four most critical life functions by which a living thing is able to survive in time and across time. They are:

Aggression or Fight Fear or Flight Hunger or Feed And Procreation or Sex.

For most times the operations of both the Left and Right brains are in concordance with each other. However, this is not always so. When there is a conflict, it is reflected in both the languaging of a person and in how he feels.

In language he will say:

I am torn. On the one hand I feel that we are best to . . . But on the other hand I can see that . . .

Analogically, if you ask the person, he will tell you that he either has a tightness across his chest or he has a feeling as if the two sides of him are pulling him in opposite directions. As John Grinder once pointed out to me, "The person actually feels a tear at the midline of his chest."

Most times all three brains work in concordance. Sometimes however, they do not. The Left brain and Right brain may be in accord; but the limbic system has a different position. This was reflected in letter sent to me by my late dear friend Professor Basil Henriques of Boston. He wrote to me, "Here is a fun card for you, Dennis." When I opened it, it read that STRESS is:

"The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the shit out of some asshole who desperately deserves it."

From this insightful notation, clearly the mind that is overriding the body's basic desire are the Left and Right brains who are in concordance on doing the override that is alluded to. The override clearly is with respect to the thinking conclusion of the Limbic system that this "asshole" deserves a fitting rebuke. It is clearly to be mediated by the engram of Aggression.

It can work the other way, where the override is coming from downstairs as in:

I saw the importance of pleasing him, even on my knees if I had to, but I felt utterly nauseated by his intolerable arrogance.

Now, we know from Medicine that normally the thinking operations of the Left brain are "dominant." It is for this that we are aware of our Left brain thoughts. The thinking of the Right brain is non-dominant and hence its thinking is out of conscious awareness. If you can reverse this normal process of dominance of Left brain thinking to that of Right brain thinking, you attain the phenomenon of Non-Dominant Hemispheric Access, NDHA.

We now know that when you get this, then you have achieved for your client the first stage of the Esdaile state of Hypnosis. There are five levels to the Esdaile state and the clinical consequences can be from the view of therapeutics singularly significant to the patient.

For any gifted student of Hypnotism, he will automatically want to know who and where he can go to learn what we have indexed above. It is not our intent, purpose or even desire by this paper to peddle our seminars. But for your information, we now inform you that we teach this in the 2-day seminar called:

Meditation-at-the-Center by Hypnosis.

References: Dennis K. Chong & Jennifer K. Smith Chong: The Knife Without Pain, C-Jade Publications Inc., 1995

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