Tim Brunson DCH

Welcome to The International Hypnosis Research Institute Web site. Our intention is to support and promote the further worldwide integration of comprehensive evidence-based research and clinical hypnotherapy with mainstream mental health, medicine, and coaching. We do so by disseminating, supporting, and conducting research, providing professional level education, advocating increased level of practitioner competency, and supporting the viability and success of clinical practitioners. Although currently over 80% of our membership is comprised of mental health practitioners, we fully recognize the role, support, involvement, and needs of those in the medical and coaching fields. This site is not intended as a source of medical or psychological advice. Tim Brunson, PhD

Experts Recommend Hypnosis Education

Even though the art and science of hypnosis has been in existence for hundreds of years, there has been a controversy lurking regarding hypnosis education. The various hypnosis organizations have always set their own educational requirements for membership. There have been as many different educational requirements for hypnosis and hypnotherapy training as there have been professional hypnosis and hypnotherapy organizations. Finally, however, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is entering a new era, an era of quality education in the use of this ancient tool to help bring about desirable behavioral changes.

Laceyville, PA (PRWEB) December 16, 2007 -- Even though the art and science of hypnosis has been in existence for hundreds of years, there has been a controversy lurking regarding hypnosis education. The various hypnosis organizations have always set their own educational requirements for membership. There have been as many different educational requirements for hypnosis and hypnotherapy training as there have been professional hypnosis and hypnotherapy organizations. Finally, however, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is entering a new era, an era of quality education in the use of this ancient tool to help bring about desirable behavioral changes.

A search began two years ago by Dr. Conrad Adams, Founder and Academic Dean of Alpha University to determine what standard of hypnosis and hypnotherapy education existed within traditional educational institutions. He retained the services of Dr. John S. Jester, a retired medical doctor and seasoned professional education evaluator, to help in the search. After extensive research Dr. Jester concluded that no set standard existed and that a minimum recommended standard could play an important role in the advancement of the profession.

Dr. Robert Otto, CEO of both the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, was consulted for his input and a committee was formed to do further research regarding the issue. The committee was expanded and soon became the Collaborative for Hypnosis Education, a group of 20 experienced professionals whose memberships encompass most of the professional hypnosis and hypnotherapy organizations in the U. S. and abroad. The goal of the group was to unite to establish a minimum recommended standard of education for the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Hypnosis has entered a new era. At last there is a united effort globally to establish a minimum recommended standard of education for the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. The Collaborative for Hypnosis Educational Standards is believed to be the first group of its kind to unite for the common good of the hypnosis profession and work to reach agreement on a minimum standard of education for the profession. Hopefully its creation and endeavors will become a beacon for more individuals and groups to join in the effort to promote a higher standard of education for the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

The results are now published. Hypnosis has, indeed, entered a new era. The Collaborative for Hypnosis Educational Standards recommendations for the suggested minimum standard of education for the practice of hypnosis and hypnotherapy may be reviewed by visiting http://www.iact.org or http://www.imdha.com and selecting recommemded educational standards page. And more on this subject is certain to come.

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