Openning Remarks October 2006 IMDHA Conference

The following remarks were made on October 28, 2006, at the Annual IMDHA Conference held in Troy, Michigan.
Greeting dear colleagues ~
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association Platinum Anniversary conference Hypnosis and Holistic Living – this year titled appropriately Achieving Quantum Awareness ~ The Journey Continues.
It was 21 years ago that Dr. Ditkowski my fathers thoracic surgeon of Coral Gables Florida asked me: "When are you going to get some Certified Hypnotherapists down here to help me?"
That was the beginning. Look where we are today! Our first conference had 65 members in attendance from the USA and Ontario, Canada at the OMNI Hotel in Detroit, Michigan.
We are now on every continent [including but not limited to Hong Kong, Australia, China proper, Singapore, Russia, United Kingdom, India, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, South Africa, Hawaii, and in the islands of the Atlantic and Pacific with members working to elevate the consciousness of the power of the subconscious mind through the protocol of Hypnosis.
Our vision – A Certified IMDHA Hypnotherapist in every Health Care Facility world wide is happening as we speak! Congratulations – You have done an outstanding job.
Gifts The gifts in your bags represent a small token of appreciation for all you have done to make the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association the Best Hypnosis Association in the world.
In my book you are all Angels and you make a World of Difference in the lives of everyone that you touch. Thank you.
Please accept these with our great appreciation for your time, talent, expertise in the realm of Quantum Awareness and for your integrity. For without you we would not be - and this is so.
Schools Currently we have 64 schools worldwide. You have been introduced to many of them this morning by Dr. Beacham. These school owners work tirelessly to make sure their students meet our International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association standards and pass the IMDHA Certification Exam. Their graduates are a compliment to our membership. We are proud to have such dedicated educators in our midst. They are our life line to new members.
Mentoring The Mentor Program has grown form one man, Jerome Beacham, to a world class information exchange through the tireless work of Jim Duncan. If you are not a part of this group – you are missing vital up-to the-minute information from Hypnotherapists who are making a difference in the lives of thousands of individuals and groups internationally.
In addition Michael Ellner is our Internet Research expert. His postings are from various sources related to hypnosis and alternative/complimentary medicine. The exchange of ideas is outstanding!
Teleseminars Our first attempt was an outstanding success. Our hats are off to the All Star Team and the IMDHA presenters who participated this fall. If you missed them Dan Cleary has all of the seminars available on CD. See Dan to get your copy.
The information not only highlighted the courses being taught here this week, they also gave useful tips and answered questions that could be used the very next day in the office. What a treasure!
IMDHA Referral Directory Intro The first Marketing Tool that we developed was the IMDHA Referral Directory. Everyone who becomes a certified member receives a copy with their state, province and country listed.
This is an opportunity for you to show that you belong to this world class association of Hypnotherapists who are ready and willing to work in tandem with health care providers as well as the general population.
You can highlight your name and address as ready reference.
You may copy and print sections that will get attention for you in your desired marketing efforts.
You can show this off along with the DVD A Closer Look at Hypnosis and Medicine when giving presentations to civic groups as well as health care providers and educators.
It is designed with you in mind – please reread it and begin today to use these valuable resources.
In addition IMDHA has created other valuable promotional materials for you. They are available in the Book Store this weekend for you to take home and begin to use immediately.
Communication Infinity Institute decided to have a newsletter. Subconsciously Speaking was born and began as an 11 X 17 rag in order to keep connected with former students, clients and persons interested in Hypnosis training. It was all done on an electric typewriter, we pasted in the graphics, took it to the Zip for printing and we did the mailing from a kitchen table!
As the list grew we grew with the times. We got a computer and Bulk Mail permit plus increased the number of pages. The 2006 November/December issue of Subconsciously Speaking will be mailed to you by the US mail service. Look for it close to Thanksgiving --- once it leaves the Royal Oak post office we have no control over delivery date or condition of the publication.
It will also be available electronically on the Infinity Institute web site – with added articles and photos from this conference.
We are once again growing with the availability of electronic media.
In January of 2007 Subconsciously Speaking will be entirely Electronic and take on a new format.
If you have given us your current email address you will receive an e-message that it is up on the Infinity Institute web site and all you have to do is click on Subconsciously Speaking and follow the prompts. In addition back issues are available for you to down load, copy articles for distribution, etc. It is in full color and of course available 24/7!
If there are a few who still do not have a computer you can use your public library to download the newsletter. If that is not possible we will make special arrangements. You may contact the office after November 4th and we will be glad to help you.
Board Our Advisory Board has been a huge resource and responsible for many of the ideas we have implemented over the years. When you see them in the hallway please give these dedicated souls a word of appreciation from you. If you have new and fresh ideas these are the persons to talk to as they direct policy and improvements.
Team Effort Your association is a Team Effort. It takes a dedicated home office staff headed by Joyce Mattarella, as well as the Board of Directors and corporate influences. Of course with out you none of us would be busy! We are truly one as the Metaphysicians would say, or as my English neighbor Ruth says: "One hand washes the other".
The Future As I look out at you today my heart bursts with pride and a sense of wonder as to where we will be in another 20 years.
Hypnosis was first accepted by the medical profession because there was unreliable anesthetic and for soldiers suffering from what is now known as PTSD.
Today Hypnosis is used by some as a compliment to medicine. In the future I feel that Hypnosis will be used by most health care providers for a variety of reasons. The number crunchers already see it as a way to deliver short term therapy and save thousands of dollars.
In the world of practical use - the most important is: No adverse effects like drugs and the ability to achieve rapid relaxation with the proper post hypnotic suggestion. Self–hypnosis training will be a standard protocol.
It will be used regularly in: 1. Pediatrics 2. Emergency Rooms with a new variety of Rapid Inductions 3. Pre and Post Surgery for the patient and for the family 4. Heart Rehabilitation 5. Physical Therapy and so much more...
Non-medical challenges present an opportunity to help individuals find emotional well being. Finding solutions to self-sabotaging habits leads to peace of mind and control of negative behavior. Self Empowerment is our goal.
In education hypnosis will be used to alleviate stress and tension and to focus on the desired end result. Test jitters will be a thing of the past. Teachers will learn how to help the children do what they need to do to become avid learners --- of course we will have to get past the old ways of teaching and become partners with the learners.
In sports - coaches will no longer perceive the Sports Hypnotist as a threat but as a valuable member of the coaching staff. After all winning in sports is a head game.
As you know so very well - Hypnosis is an education-communication process to a person's mind that allows the conscious and subconscious minds to believe the same message. During hypnosis, the body and conscious mind are in a relaxed neutral state while the subconscious mind remains awake and receptive to suggestion.
It is not my intent to tell you how to do what you do best.
It is my intent to challenge you to use your imagination to find ways to speed up what is inevitable.
PSI In all of the PSI research it has been shown that persons who take 10 minutes a day to meditate – or as we would say go into Alpha on purpose, have a greater ability to use all of their mind power the rest of the day. This of course includes both cognitive thinking as well as imaginative thinking. I urge you to register with IONS – the Institute of Noetic Sciences – you have a brochure in your packet of information called Shift in Action.
We are rapidly headed for "whole brain" thinking and you my dear members are in the prime seat to teach those techniques.
Let go of the old paradigms and shift your way of perceiving and thinking about the world --- this is a NEW era - one of Quantum Possibilities.
Achieving Quantum Awareness is here to stay and you are part of it – so let the Journey Continue.
May the next 20 years explode exponentially for the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association®.
Thank you --- and God Bless...
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